This weekend at MLA Creative weekend has been life changing. I went from a mom who has never painted anything other than in elementary school to a painter. I painted some beautiful paintings! I have followed @melissalyonsart on her inspiring life’s journey, just watching her grow and change as an artist. She is so full of life and encouragement. God’s goodness shines through her and her work.
When she started creative weekends in Cali it was too far and I had babies. When she moved to S.C. I had more babies and excuses. I was finally ready to commit in 2020 and planned on going in the summer but pandemic hit. Ever since 2020 I have promised myself I would be at the next one no matter what.
Here I am. Doing the things. Being brave and set free. God made a way, my husband encouraged me, Melissa spoke truth into me and I am here. I’m still processing all the goodness. For me it wasn’t about the painting it was about following the prompting of the Lord. I am so very thankful I said yes. What I took away was so much more than memories of a fun weekend and some paintings. I was set free from a lot of fear that was holding me back, my eyes were opened to some lies I was believing and my spirit was encouraged.
If you are feeling the prompting of the Lord to come. Even if you are not a painter or don’t even want to paint I encourage you to say yes. I am forever changed and will hold these moments I spent with these beautiful women painting, laughing, encouraging one another tucked in my heart always. It’s hard to describe the amazing experience that is MLA creative weekends but I am so glad I said yes and I will be back again.
Jess Winters