News — creative weekend testimonials
Beverly Carson Creative Weekend Testimonial
I had followed Melissa for a few years because I loved her art and the way she shared her own journey so honestly.When she started talking about the Creative Weekends, everything in me perked up.The more I saw and read the bigger that desire became.I started the process of going that first summer, but held back and missed getting a spot. For me, I was then able to process all kinds of emotions and thoughts about going.The one constant was that desire in me never waned. When I purchased my spot, the tension of not purchasing my spot was gone.While...
Shantell Robinson Creative Weekend Testimonial
I could honestly write pages and pages of all that God did during the creative weekend. I had been praying for a few months for a way to work and have an income to help support my family while raising my children. I am a stay at home Mom and have no formal painting experience. All I had was a nudge from God that I should go and I am so so glad that I did. I was so concerned with not fitting in and wondering why on earth God would send me to a weekend retreat with the purpose of...
Kate Dawson creative weekend testimonial
When Melissa offered the first Creative Weekend back during the summertime, God had pricked my heart to go, and it was clear. At the time, I swallowed it, buried it, and thought well enough that it would go away; I was scared to take that leap. “What if I’m not a great artist like the others? What if I can’t grasp the idea of opening a business? What if this is where the Lord wants me to go? What if I fail?” I mean the “what-ifs” overflowed. I’d see her post on socials about the weekend and would get so excited,...
creative weekend testimonials : Vicki Lawrence
My sweet sister and I just returned from a life-changing experience at Melissa Lyon’s Creative Weekend @melissalyonsart. God blessed our trip immensely from beginning to end. We met the most amazing women, and together with Melissa, we felt like family! Throughout the weekend, Melissa spoke God’s truth over us and our art, and we celebrated the great promises He has made for us. She touched our lives and changed our hearts, and we are better for it. This weekend wasn’t an acrylic painting workshop. For me, it was less about painting and more about releasing doubt, fear, and worry to...
Creative Weekend Testimonials : Jess Winters
This weekend at MLA Creative weekend has been life changing. I went from a mom who has never painted anything other than in elementary school to a painter. I painted some beautiful paintings! I have followed @melissalyonsart on her inspiring life’s journey, just watching her grow and change as an artist. She is so full of life and encouragement. God’s goodness shines through her and her work. When she started creative weekends in Cali it was too far and I had babies. When she moved to S.C. I had more babies and excuses. I was finally ready to commit in 2020 and planned on going...